* coreSNTP v1.2.0
* Copyright (C) 2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* @file core_sntp_client.h
* @brief API of an SNTPv4 client library that can send time requests and receive time response to/from
* SNTP/NTP servers. The library follows the Best Practices suggested in the the SNTPv4 specification,
* [RFC 4330](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4330).
* The library can be used to run an SNTP client in a dedicated deamon task to periodically synchronize
* time from the Internet.
/* Standard include. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
/* Include coreSNTP Serializer header. */
#include "core_sntp_serializer.h"
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* *INDENT-ON* */
* @ingroup sntp_constants
* @brief The default UDP port supported by SNTP/NTP servers for client-server
* communication.
* @note It is possible for a server to use a different port number than
* the default port when using the Network Time Security protocol as the security
* mechanism for SNTP communication. For more information, refer to Section 4.1.8
* of [RFC 8915](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8915).
* @ingroup sntp_struct_types
* @brief Structure representing information for a time server.
typedef struct SntpServerInfo
const char * pServerName; /**<@brief The time server name. */
size_t serverNameLen; /**<@brief The length of the server name.*/
uint16_t port; /**<@brief The UDP port supported by the server
* for SNTP/NTP communication. */
} SntpServerInfo_t;
* @ingroup sntp_callback_types
* @brief Interface for user-defined function to resolve time server domain-name
* to an IPv4 address.
* The SNTP client library attempts to resolve the DNS of the time-server being
* used every time the @ref Sntp_SendTimeRequest API is called.
* @param[in] pServerAddr The time-server whose IPv4 address is to be resolved.
* @param[out] pIpV4Addr This should be filled with the resolved IPv4 address.
* of @p pTimeServer.
* @return `true` if DNS resolution is successful; otherwise `false` to represent
* failure.
typedef bool ( * SntpResolveDns_t )( const SntpServerInfo_t * pServerAddr,
uint32_t * pIpV4Addr );
* @ingroup sntp_callback_types
* @brief Interface for user-defined function to obtain the current system time
* in SNTP timestamp format.
* @note If your platform follows UNIX representation of time, the
* can be used to convert UNIX time to SNTP timestamp.
* @param[out] pCurrentTime This should be filled with the current system time
* in SNTP timestamp format.
* @return `true` if obtaining system time is successful; otherwise `false` to
* represent failure.
typedef void ( * SntpGetTime_t )( SntpTimestamp_t * pCurrentTime );
* @ingroup sntp_callback_types
* @brief Interface for user-defined function to update the system clock time
* so that it is synchronized the time server used for getting current time.
* @param[in] pTimeServer The time server used to request time.
* @param[in] pServerTime The current time returned by the @p pTimeServer.
* @param[in] clockOffsetMs The calculated clock offset (in milliseconds) of the
* system relative to the server time.
* @param[in] leapSecondInfo Information about whether there is about an upcoming
* leap second adjustment of insertion or deletion in the last minute before midnight
* on the last day of the current month. For more information on leap seconds, refer
* to https://www.nist.gov/pml/time-and-frequency-division/leap-seconds-faqs. Depending
* on the accuracy requirements of the system clock, the user can choose to account
* for the leap second or ignore it in their system clock update logic.
* @note If the @p clockOffsetMs is positive, then the system time is BEHIND the server time,
* and if the @p clockOffsetMs, the system time is AHEAD of the server time. To correct the
* system time, the user can use either of "step", "slew" OR combination of the two clock
* discipline methodologies depending on the application needs.
* If the application requires a smooth time continuum of system time, then the "slew"
* discipline methodology can be used with the clock offset value, @p clockOffSetMs, to correct
* the system clock gradually with a "slew rate".
* If the application can accept sudden jump in time (forward or backward), then
* the "step" discipline methodology can be used to directly update the system
* clock with the current server time, @p pServerTime, every time the coreSNTP library
* calls the interface.
typedef void ( * SntpSetTime_t )( const SntpServerInfo_t * pTimeServer,
const SntpTimestamp_t * pServerTime,
int64_t clockOffsetMs,
SntpLeapSecondInfo_t leapSecondInfo );
* @ingroup sntp_struct_types
* @typedef NetworkContext_t
* @brief A user-defined type for context that is passed to the transport interface functions.
* It MUST be defined by the user to use the library.
* It is of incomplete type to allow user to define to the needs of their transport
* interface implementation.
struct NetworkContext;
typedef struct NetworkContext NetworkContext_t;
* @ingroup sntp_callback_types
* @brief Interface for user-defined function to send time request as a single datagram
* to server on the network over User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
* @note It is RECOMMENDED that the send operation is non-blocking, i.e. it
* SHOULD immediately return when the entire UDP data cannot be sent over the
* network. In such a case, the coreSNTP library will re-try send operation
* for a maximum period of blocking time passed to the @ref Sntp_SendTimeRequest API.
* @note If the size of the SNTP packet exceeds the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
* supported by the network interface of the device, the user-defined implementation
* MAY either support fragmentation of UDP packets OR use a size for authentication data
* that allows the SNTP packet to fit within the MTU required size threshold. (Note that
* the size of SNTP packet is #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE + authentication data.)
* @param[in,out] pNetworkContext The user defined NetworkContext_t which
* is opaque to the coreSNTP library.
* @param[in] serverAddr The IPv4 address of the time server to send the data to.
* @param[in] serverPort The port of the server to send data to.
* @param[in] pBuffer The buffer containing the data to send over the network.
* @param[in] bytesToSend The size of data in @p pBuffer to send.
* @return The function SHOULD return one of the following integer codes:
* - @p bytesToSend when all requested data is successfully transmitted over the
* network.
* - 0 when no data could be sent over the network (due to network buffer being
* full, for example), and the send operation can be retried.
* - < 0 when the send operation failed to send any data due to an internal error,
* and operation cannot be retried.
typedef int32_t ( * UdpTransportSendTo_t )( NetworkContext_t * pNetworkContext,
uint32_t serverAddr,
uint16_t serverPort,
const void * pBuffer,
uint16_t bytesToSend );
* @ingroup sntp_callback_types
* @brief Interface for user-defined function to receive the server response, to a time
* request (sent through the @ref UdpTransportSendTo_t function), from the network over
* User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
* @note It is RECOMMENDED that the read operation is non-blocking, i.e. it
* SHOULD immediately return when no data is available on the network.
* In such a case, the coreSNTP library will re-try send operation for a maximum period
* of blocking time passed through the @ref Sntp_ReceiveTimeResponse API.
* @note If the size of the SNTP response packet from the server exceeds the
* Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) supported by the network interface of the device,
* the user-defined implementation of the interface MAY either support receiving and
* assembling fragmented UDP packets OR use an authentication data size that allows
* SNTP packet to fit within the MTU required packet size threshold. (Note that
* the size of SNTP packet is #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE + authentication data.)
* @param[in,out] pNetworkContext The user defined NetworkContext_t which
* is opaque to the coreSNTP library.
* @param[in] serverAddr The IPv4 address of the time server to receive data from.
* @param[in] serverPort The port of the server to receive data from.
* @param[out] pBuffer This SHOULD be filled with data received from the network.
* @param[in] bytesToRecv The expected number of bytes to receive from the
* server.
* @return The function SHOULD return one of the following integer codes:
* - @p bytesToRecv value if all the requested number of bytes are received
* from the network.
* - ZERO when no data is available on the network, and the operation can be
* retried.
* - < 0 when the read operation failed due to internal error, and operation cannot
* be retried.
typedef int32_t ( * UdpTransportRecvFrom_t )( NetworkContext_t * pNetworkContext,
uint32_t serverAddr,
uint16_t serverPort,
void * pBuffer,
uint16_t bytesToRecv );
* @ingroup sntp_struct_types
* @brief Struct representing the UDP transport interface for user-defined functions
* that coreSNTP library depends on for performing read/write network operations.
typedef struct UdpTransportIntf
NetworkContext_t * pUserContext; /**<@brief The user-defined context for storing
* network socket information. */
UdpTransportSendTo_t sendTo; /**<@brief The user-defined UDP send function. */
UdpTransportRecvFrom_t recvFrom; /**<@brief The user-defined UDP receive function. */
} UdpTransportInterface_t;
* @ingroup sntp_struct_types
* @typedef SntpAuthContext_t
* @brief A user-defined type for context that is passed to the authentication interface functions.
* It MUST be defined by the user to use the library.
* It is of incomplete type to allow user to defined to the the needs of their authentication
* interface implementation.
struct SntpAuthContext;
typedef struct SntpAuthContext SntpAuthContext_t;
* @ingroup sntp_callback_types
* @brief Interface for user-defined function to generate and append
* authentication code in an SNTP request buffer for the SNTP client to be
* authenticated by the time server, if a security mechanism is used.
* The user can choose to implement with any security mechanism, symmetric
* key-based (like AES-CMAC) or asymmetric key-based (like Network Time Security),
* depending on the security mechanism supported by the time server being used
* to synchronize time with.
* @note The function SHOULD generate the authentication data for the first
* #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE bytes of SNTP request packet present in the passed buffer
* @p pBuffer, and fill the generated authentication data after #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE
* bytes in the buffer.
* @param[in,out] pContext The user defined NetworkContext_t which
* is opaque to the coreSNTP library.
* @param[in] pTimeServer The time server being used to request time from.
* This parameter is useful to choose the security mechanism when multiple time
* servers are configured in the library, and they require different security
* mechanisms or authentication credentials to use.
* @param[in, out] pBuffer This buffer SHOULD be filled with the authentication
* code generated from the #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE bytes of SNTP request data
* present in it.
* @param[in] bufferSize The maximum amount of data that can be held by the buffer,
* @p pBuffer.
* @param[out] pAuthCodeSize This should be filled with size of the authentication
* data appended to the SNTP request buffer, @p pBuffer. This value plus
* #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE should not exceed the buffer size, @p bufferSize.
* @return The function SHOULD return one of the following integer codes:
* - #SntpSuccess when the authentication data is successfully appended to @p pBuffer.
* - #SntpErrorBufferTooSmall when the user-supplied buffer (to the SntpContext_t through
* @ref Sntp_Init) is not large enough to hold authentication data.
* - #SntpErrorAuthFailure for failure to generate authentication data due to internal
* error.
typedef SntpStatus_t (* SntpGenerateAuthCode_t )( SntpAuthContext_t * pContext,
const SntpServerInfo_t * pTimeServer,
void * pBuffer,
size_t bufferSize,
uint16_t * pAuthCodeSize );
* @ingroup sntp_callback_types
* @brief Interface for user-defined function to authenticate server by validating
* the authentication code present in its SNTP response to a time request, if
* a security mechanism is supported by the server.
* The user can choose to implement with any security mechanism, symmetric
* key-based (like AES-CMAC) or asymmetric key-based (like Network Time Security),
* depending on the security mechanism supported by the time server being used
* to synchronize time with.
* @note In an SNTP response, the authentication code is present only after the
* first #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE bytes. Depending on the security mechanism used,
* the first #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE bytes MAY be used in validating the
* authentication data sent by the server.
* @param[in,out] pContext The user defined NetworkContext_t which
* is opaque to the coreSNTP library.
* @param[in] pTimeServer The time server that has to be authenticated from its
* SNTP response.
* This parameter is useful to choose the security mechanism when multiple time
* servers are configured in the library, and they require different security
* mechanisms or authentication credentials to use.
* @param[in] pResponseData The SNTP response from the server that contains the
* authentication code after the first #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE bytes.
* @param[in] responseSize The total size of the response from the server.
* @return The function SHOULD return one of the following integer codes:
* - #SntpSuccess when the server is successfully authenticated.
* - #SntpServerNotAuthenticated when server could not be authenticated.
* - #SntpErrorAuthFailure for failure to authenticate server due to internal
* error.
typedef SntpStatus_t (* SntpValidateServerAuth_t )( SntpAuthContext_t * pContext,
const SntpServerInfo_t * pTimeServer,
const void * pResponseData,
uint16_t responseSize );
* @ingroup sntp_struct_types
* @brief Struct representing the authentication interface for securely
* communicating with time servers.
* @note Using a security mechanism is OPTIONAL for using the coreSNTP
* library i.e. a user does not need to define the authentication interface
* if they are not using a security mechanism for SNTP communication.
typedef struct SntpAuthenticationIntf
*@brief The user-defined context for storing information like
* key credentials required for cryptographic operations in the
* security mechanism used for communicating with server.
SntpAuthContext_t * pAuthContext;
* @brief The user-defined function for appending client authentication data.
* */
SntpGenerateAuthCode_t generateClientAuth;
* @brief The user-defined function for authenticating server from its SNTP
* response.
SntpValidateServerAuth_t validateServerAuth;
} SntpAuthenticationInterface_t;
* @ingroup sntp_struct_types
* @brief Structure for a context that stores state for managing a long-running
* SNTP client that periodically polls time and synchronizes system clock.
typedef struct SntpContext
* @brief List of time servers in decreasing priority order configured
* for the SNTP client.
* Only a single server is configured for use at a time across polling
* attempts until the server rejects a time request or there is a response
* timeout, after which, the next server in the list is used for subsequent
* polling requests.
const SntpServerInfo_t * pTimeServers;
* @brief Number of servers configured for use.
size_t numOfServers;
* @brief The index for the currently configured time server for time querying
* from the list of time servers in @ref pTimeServers.
size_t currentServerIndex;
* @brief The user-supplied buffer for storing network data of both SNTP requests
* and SNTP response.
uint8_t * pNetworkBuffer;
* @brief The size of the network buffer.
size_t bufferSize;
* @brief The user-supplied function for resolving DNS name of time servers.
SntpResolveDns_t resolveDnsFunc;
* @brief The user-supplied function for obtaining the current system time.
SntpGetTime_t getTimeFunc;
* @brief The user-supplied function for correcting system time after receiving
* time from a server.
SntpSetTime_t setTimeFunc;
* @brief The user-defined interface for performing User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
* send and receive network operations.
UdpTransportInterface_t networkIntf;
* @brief The user-defined interface for incorporating security mechanism of
* adding client authentication in SNTP request as well as authenticating server
* from SNTP response.
* @note If the application will not use security mechanism for any of the
* configured servers, then this interface can be undefined.
SntpAuthenticationInterface_t authIntf;
* @brief Cache of the resolved Ipv4 address of the current server being used for
* time synchronization.
* As a Best Practice functionality, the client library attempts to resolve the
* DNS of the time-server every time the @ref Sntp_SendTimeRequest API is called.
uint32_t currentServerAddr;
* @brief Cache of the timestamp of sending the last time request to a server
* for replay attack protection by checking that the server response contains
* the same timestamp in its "originate timestamp" field.
SntpTimestamp_t lastRequestTime;
* @brief State member for storing the size of the SNTP packet that includes
* both #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE bytes plus any authentication data, if a security
* mechanism is used.
* This value is used for expecting the same size for an SNTP response
* from the server.
uint16_t sntpPacketSize;
* @brief The timeout duration (in milliseconds) for receiving a response, through
* @ref Sntp_ReceiveTimeResponse API, from a server after the request for time is
* sent to it through @ref Sntp_SendTimeRequest API.
uint32_t responseTimeoutMs;
} SntpContext_t;
* @brief Initializes a context for SNTP client communication with SNTP/NTP
* servers.
* @param[out] pContext The user-supplied memory for the context that will be
* initialized to represent an SNTP client.
* @param[in] pTimeServers The list of decreasing order of priority of time
* servers that should be used by the SNTP client. This list MUST stay in
* scope for all the time of use of the context.
* @param[in] numOfServers The number of servers in the list, @p pTimeServers.
* @param[in] serverResponseTimeoutMs The timeout duration (in milliseconds) for
* receiving server response for time requests. The same timeout value is used for
* each server in the @p pTimeServers list.
* @param[in] pNetworkBuffer The user-supplied memory that will be used for
* storing network data for SNTP client-server communication. The buffer
* MUST stay in scope for all the time of use of the context.
* @param[in] bufferSize The size of the passed buffer @p pNetworkBuffer. The buffer
* SHOULD be appropriately sized for storing an entire SNTP packet which includes
* both #SNTP_PACKET_BASE_SIZE bytes of standard SNTP packet size, and space for
* authentication data, if security mechanism is used to communicate with any of
* the time servers configured for use.
* @param[in] resolveDnsFunc The user-defined function for DNS resolution of time
* server.
* @param[in] getSystemTimeFunc The user-defined function for querying system
* time.
* @param[in] setSystemTimeFunc The user-defined function for correcting system
* time for every successful time response received from a server.
* @param[in] pTransportIntf The user-defined function for performing network
* send/recv operations over UDP.
* @param[in] pAuthIntf The user-defined interface for generating client authentication
* in SNTP requests and authenticating servers in SNTP responses, if security mechanism
* is used in SNTP communication with server(s). If security mechanism is not used in
* communication with any of the configured servers (in @p pTimeServers), then the
* @ref SntpAuthenticationInterface_t does not need to be defined and this parameter
* can be NULL.
* @return This function returns one of the following:
* - #SntpSuccess if the context is initialized.
* - #SntpErrorBadParameter if any of the passed parameters in invalid.
* - #SntpErrorBufferTooSmall if the buffer does not have the minimum size
* required for a valid SNTP response packet.
/* @[define_sntp_init] */
SntpStatus_t Sntp_Init( SntpContext_t * pContext,
const SntpServerInfo_t * pTimeServers,
size_t numOfServers,
uint32_t serverResponseTimeoutMs,
uint8_t * pNetworkBuffer,
size_t bufferSize,
SntpResolveDns_t resolveDnsFunc,
SntpGetTime_t getSystemTimeFunc,
SntpSetTime_t setSystemTimeFunc,
const UdpTransportInterface_t * pTransportIntf,
const SntpAuthenticationInterface_t * pAuthIntf );
/* @[define_sntp_init] */
* @brief Sends a request for time from the currently configured server (in the
* context).
* If the user has provided an authentication interface, the client
* authentication code is appended to the request before sending over the network
* by calling the @ref SntpGenerateAuthCode_t function of the
* @ref SntpAuthenticationInterface_t.
* @note This function will ONLY send a request if there is a server available
* in the configured list that has not rejected an earlier request for time.
* This adheres to the Best Practice functionality specified in [Section 10 Point 8
* of SNTPv4 specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4330#section-10).
* @param[in] pContext The context representing an SNTPv4 client.
* @param[in] randomNumber A random number serializing the SNTP request packet
* to protect against spoofing attacks by attackers that are off the network path
* of the SNTP client-server communication. This mechanism is suggested by SNTPv4
* specification in [RFC 4330 Section 3](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4330#section-3).
* @param[in] blockTimeMs The maximum duration of time (in milliseconds) the function will
* block on attempting to send time request to the server over the network. If a zero
* block time value is provided, then the function will attempt to send the packet ONLY
* once.
* @note It is RECOMMENDED that a True Random Number Generator is used to generate the
* random number by using a hardware module, like Hardware Security Module (HSM), Secure Element,
* etc, as the entropy source.
* @return The API function returns one of the following:
* - #SntpSuccess if a time request is successfully sent to the currently configured
* time server in the context.
* - #SntpErrorBadParameter if an invalid context is passed to the function.
* - #SntpErrorContextNotInitialized if an uninitialized or invalid context is passed
* to the function.
* - #SntpErrorDnsFailure if there is failure in the user-defined function for
* DNS resolution of the time server.
* - #SntpErrorNetworkFailure if the SNTP request could not be sent over the network
* through the user-defined transport interface.
* - #SntpErrorAuthFailure if there was a failure in generating the client
* authentication code in the user-defined authentication interface.
* - #SntpErrorSendTimeout if the time request packet could not be sent over the
* network for the entire @p blockTimeMs duration.
/* @[define_sntp_sendtimerequest] */
SntpStatus_t Sntp_SendTimeRequest( SntpContext_t * pContext,
uint32_t randomNumber,
uint32_t blockTimeMs );
/* @[define_sntp_sendtimerequest] */
* @brief Receives a time response from the server that has been requested for time with
* the @ref Sntp_SendTimeRequest API function.
* Once an accepted response containing time from server is received, this function calls
* the user-defined @ref SntpSetTime_t function to update the system time.
* @note If the user has provided an authentication interface to the client
* (through @ref Sntp_Init), the server response is authenticated by calling the
* @ref SntpValidateServerAuth_t function of the @ref SntpAuthenticationInterface_t interface.
* @note On receiving a successful server response containing server time,
* this API calculates the clock offset value of the system clock relative to the
* server before calling the user-defined @ref SntpSetTime_t function for updating
* the system time.
* @note For correct calculation of clock-offset, the server and client times MUST be within
* ~68 years (or 2^31 seconds) of each other. In the special case when the server and client
* times are exactly 2^31 seconds apart, the library ASSUMES that the server time is ahead
* of the client time, and returns the positive clock-offset value of INT32_MAX seconds.
* @note This API will rotate the server of use in the library for the next time request
* (through the @ref Sntp_SendTimeRequest) if either of following events occur:
* - The server has responded with a rejection for the time request.
* OR
* - The server response wait has timed out.
* If all the servers configured in the context have been used, the API will rotate server for
* time query back to the first server in the list which will be used in next time request.
* @param[in] pContext The context representing an SNTPv4 client.
* @param[in] blockTimeMs The maximum duration of time (in milliseconds) the function will
* block on receiving a response from the server unless either the response is received
* OR a response timeout occurs.
* @note This function can be called multiple times with zero or small blocking times
* to poll whether server response is received until either the response response is
* received from the server OR a response timeout has occurred.
* @return This API functions returns one of the following:
* - #SntpSuccess if a successful server response is received.
* - #SntpErrorContextNotInitialized if an uninitialized or invalid context is passed
* to the function.
* - #SntpErrorBadParameter if an invalid context is passed to the function.
* - #SntpErrorNetworkFailure if there is a failure in the user-defined transport
* - #SntpErrorAuthFailure if an internal error occurs in the user-defined
* authentication interface when validating the server response.
* - #SntpServerNotAuthenticated when the server could not be authenticated from
* its response with the user-defined authentication interface.
* - #SntpInvalidResponse if the server response fails sanity checks expected in an
* SNTP response packet.
* - #SntpErrorResponseTimeout if a timeout has occurred in receiving response from
* the server.
* - #SntpRejectedResponse if the server responded with a rejection for the time
* request.
/* @[define_sntp_receivetimeresponse] */
SntpStatus_t Sntp_ReceiveTimeResponse( SntpContext_t * pContext,
uint32_t blockTimeMs );
/* @[define_sntp_receivetimeresponse] */
* @brief Converts @ref SntpStatus_t to its equivalent
* string.
* @note The returned string MUST NOT be modified.
* @param[in] status The status to convert to a string.
* @return The string representation of the status
* code.
/* @[define_sntp_statustostr] */
const char * Sntp_StatusToStr( SntpStatus_t status );
/* @[define_sntp_statustostr] */
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* *INDENT-ON* */
#endif /* ifndef CORE_SNTP_CLIENT_H_ */