* Copyright: (C) 2023 LingYun IoT System Studio.
* All rights reserved.
* Filename: at-esp32.c
* Description: This file is ESP32 AT command low level API functions
* Version: 1.0.0(11/08/23)
* Author: Guo Wenxue <guowenxue@gmail.com>
* ChangeLog: 1, Release initial version on "11/08/23 16:18:43"
#include "logger.h"
#include "at-esp32.h"
*| Baisc AT command |
static inline int check_at_ready(comport_t *comport)
int times = 6;
int ready = 0;
while( times-- )
if( 0 == send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, "AT", 500) )
ready = 1;
return ready;
/* AT command: AT+RST */
int esp32_reset(comport_t *comport)
int rv;
rv = send_atcmd(comport, "AT+RST", 5000, "ready", AT_ERRSTR, NULL, 0);
if( rv < 0)
log_error("send AT command to reset ESP32 failed, rv=%d\n", rv);
return -1;
if( check_at_ready(comport) )
log_info("send AT to reset ESP32 and AT command ready\n");
return 0;
log_info("send AT to reset ESP32 but AT command not ready\n");
return -3;
/* AT command: AT+RESTORE */
int esp32_restore(comport_t *comport)
int rv;
//rv = send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, "AT+RESTORE", 5000);
rv = send_atcmd(comport, "AT+RESTORE", 5000, "ready", AT_ERRSTR, NULL, 0);
if( rv < 0)
log_error("send AT command to restore ESP32 failed, rv=%d\n", rv);
return -1;
if( check_at_ready(comport) )
log_info("send AT command to resstore ESP32 ready\n");
return 0;
log_error("send AT command to restore ESP32 but AT not ready\n");
return -3;
/* AT command: ATE1 or ATE0 */
int esp32_set_echo(comport_t *comport, int enable)
char *at = enable? "ATE1" : "ATE0";
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 500);
/* AT command: AT+GMR */
int esp32_get_firmware(comport_t *comport, char *version, int size)
if( !version || size<=0 )
return -1;
return send_atcmd_check_value(comport, "AT+GMR", 2000, version, size);
/* AT command: AT+SYSSTORE */
int esp32_set_sysstore(comport_t *comport, int enable)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+SYSSTORE=%d", enable?1:0);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1000);
*| WiFi AT command |
/* AT command: AT+CWMODE */
int esp32_set_wmode(comport_t *comport, workmode_t mode, int autoconn)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CWMODE=%d,%d", mode, autoconn?1:0);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1500);
int esp32_get_macaddr(comport_t *comport, workmode_t mode, char *mac)
if( !mac )
return -1;
if( MODE_SOFTAP == mode )
return send_atcmd_check_request(comport, "AT+CIPAPMAC?", 3000, mac, MAC_LEN);
return send_atcmd_check_request(comport, "AT+CIPSTAMAC?", 3000, mac, MAC_LEN);
/* AT command: AT+CIPSTA/AT+CIPAP */
int esp32_set_ipaddr(comport_t *comport, workmode_t mode, char *ip, char *gateway)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
if( !ip || !gateway )
return -1;
if( MODE_SOFTAP == mode )
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPAP=\"%s\",\"%s\"", ip, gateway);
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPSTA=\"%s\",\"%s\"", ip, gateway);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 2000);
/* AT command: AT+CIPSTA/AT+CIPAP */
int esp32_get_ipaddr(comport_t *comport, workmode_t mode, char *ip, char *gateway)
char *at = MODE_SOFTAP==mode? "AT+CIPAP?" : "AT+CIPSTA?";
char buf[ATCMD_REPLY_LEN];
int rv;
if( !ip || !gateway )
return -1;
rv = send_atcmd_check_value(comport, at, 3000, buf, sizeof(buf));
if( rv < 0)
log_error("AT command query IP address failed, rv=%d\n", rv);
return rv;
rv = parser_request_value(buf, "ip", ip, IP_LEN);
if( rv < 0 )
log_error("Parser query IP address failed, rv=%d\n", rv);
return rv;
rv = parser_request_value(buf, "gateway", gateway, IP_LEN);
if( rv < 0 )
log_error("Parser query gateway address failed, rv=%d\n", rv);
return rv;
return 0;
/* AT command: AT+CWDHCP */
int esp32_set_dhcp(comport_t *comport, workmode_t mode, int enable)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CWDHCP=%d,%d", enable?1:0, mode);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1500);
/* AT command: AT+CWAUTOCONN */
int esp32_set_autoconn(comport_t *comport, int enable)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CWAUTOCONN=%d", enable?1:0);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1500);
/* AT command: AT+CWLAP */
int esp32_list_ap(comport_t *comport, char *buf, int size)
if( !buf || size<=0 )
return -1;
return send_atcmd_check_value(comport, "AT+CWLAP", 8000, buf, size);
/* AT command: AT+CWJAP */
int esp32_connect_ap(comport_t *comport, char *ssid, char *pwd)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
if( !ssid || !pwd )
return -1;
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CWJAP=\"%s\",\"%s\"", ssid, pwd);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 15000);
/* AT command: AT+CWQAP */
int esp32_disconn_ap(comport_t *comport)
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, "AT+CWQAP", 5000);
/* AT command: AT+CWSTATE? status value:
* - 0: ESP32 station has not started any Wi-Fi connection.
* - 1: ESP32 station has connected to an AP, but does not get an IPv4 address yet.
* - 2: ESP32 station has connected to an AP, and got an IPv4 address.
* - 3: ESP32 station is in Wi-Fi connecting or reconnecting state.
* - 4: ESP32 station is in Wi-Fi disconnected state
int esp32_join_status(comport_t *comport, int *status, char *ssid)
char buf[ATCMD_REPLY_LEN];
int rv;
if( !status || !ssid )
return -1;
rv = send_atcmd_check_request(comport, "AT+CWSTATE?", 3000, buf, sizeof(buf));
if( rv < 0)
log_error("AT command query join status failed, rv=%d\n", rv);
return rv;
sscanf(buf, "%d,%s", status, ssid);
return 0;
/* AT command: AT+PING */
int esp32_ping(comport_t *comport, char *host, int timeout)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
if( !host )
return -1;
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+PING=\"%s\"", host);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, timeout);
/* AT command: AT+CWSAP */
int esp32_set_softap(comport_t *comport, char *ssid, char *pwd, int channel, encmode_t encmode)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
if( !ssid || !pwd )
return -1;
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CWSAP=\"%s\",\"%s\",%d,%d", ssid, pwd, channel, encmode);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 5000);
/* AT command: AT+CWLIF */
int esp32_list_client(comport_t *comport, char *buf, int size)
if( !buf || size<=0 )
return -1;
return send_atcmd_check_value(comport, "AT+CWLIF", 8000, buf, size);
*| Socket AT command |
/* AT command: AT+CIPMUX */
int esp32_set_socket_mux(comport_t *comport, int enable)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPMUX=%d", enable?1:0);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1500);
int esp32_set_socket_clients(comport_t *comport, int max)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
if( max <= 0 )
return -1;
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPSERVERMAXCONN=%d", max);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1500);
/* AT command: AT+CIPSTO, timeout unit second */
int esp32_set_socket_timeout(comport_t *comport, int timeout)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
if( timeout <= 0 )
return -1;
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPSTO=%d", timeout);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1500);
/* AT command: AT+CIPSERVER */
int esp32_set_tcp_server(comport_t *comport, int port)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
if( port <= 0 )
return -1;
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d,\"TCP\"", port);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1500);
/* AT command: AT+CIPSERVER */
int esp32_del_tcp_server(comport_t *comport, int port)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
if( port <= 0 )
return -1;
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPSERVER=0,%d,\"TCP\"", port);
return send_atcmd_check_ok(comport, at, 1500);
/* AT command: AT+CIPSTART */
int esp32_set_tcp_client(comport_t *comport, int mux, char *host, int port)
char at[ATCMD_LEN]={'\0'};
char buf[ATCMD_REPLY_LEN]={'\0'};
int keepalive = 60; /* unit second */
int rv,linkid = 0;
if( !host || port <= 0 )
return -1;
rv = esp32_set_socket_mux(comport, mux);
if(rv < 0)
return rv;
if( mux )
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPSTART=1,\"TCP\",\"%s\",%d,%d", host, port, keepalive);
snprintf(at, sizeof(at), "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"%s\",%d,%d", host, port, keepalive);
rv = send_atcmd_check_value(comport, at, 1500, buf, sizeof(buf));
if(rv < 0)
return rv;
sscanf(buf, "%d,", &linkid);
return linkid;