RaspberrPi project source code
2024-03-14 d973d6f8e12b16c3cdd84e63e19b61187424f4ce
2024-03-14 guowenxue
Add AT24C EEPROM code
tree@ d973d6 commitdiff
2024-03-12 guowenxue
Add W25Q SPI Norflash modules support
tree@ 8df7c2 commitdiff
2024-03-12 guowenxue
Update sht20 source code, add both ioctl and read/write API support
tree@ c5e9e8 commitdiff
2024-03-12 guowenxue
Update led and pwm source code to remove compile warnning
tree@ cbbab6 commitdiff
2024-03-11 guowenxue
Update libgpiod and modules makefile
tree@ 01a9d8 commitdiff
2023-08-26 guowenxue
Add modules and MQTT project
tree@ d6b4a7 commitdiff
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