#!/bin/bash # This shell script used to install system tools # display in red function pr_error() { echo -e "\033[40;31m --E-- $1 \033[0m\n" } # display in green function pr_info() { echo -e "\033[40;32m --I-- $1 \033[0m\n" } if [ `id -u` != 0 ] ; then echo "" pr_error "This shell script must be excuted as root privilege" exit; fi function install_systools() { if command -v jq > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then pr_info "All system tools already installed, skip it" return 0; fi pr_info "start apt install system tools(commands)" systools="coreutils jq wget curl tree gawk sed unzip cpio bc lzop zstd rsync kmod kpartx \ desktop-file-utils iputils-ping xterm diffstat chrpath asciidoc docbook-utils help2man \ build-essential gcc g++ make cmake automake groff socat flex texinfo bison texi2html \ git cvs subversion mercurial autoconf autoconf-archive parted dosfstools \ python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect python3-git python3-jinja2 \ lib32z1 libssl-dev libncurses-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libsdl1.2-dev " apt update > /dev/null 2>&1 apt install -y $systools } function install_devtools() { if command -v debootstrap > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then pr_info "All development tools already installed, skip it" return 0; fi pr_info "start apt install devlopment tools(commands)" devtools="u-boot-tools mtd-utils device-tree-compiler binfmt-support \ qemu qemu-user-static debootstrap debian-archive-keyring " apt install -y $devtools } # NXP document suggest cross compiler from ARM Developer: # https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/arm-gnu-toolchain-downloads function install_crosstool() { ARMTOOL_VER=10.3-2021.07 CortexM_PACK=gcc-arm-none-eabi-$ARMTOOL_VER-`uname -p`-linux CortexM_TAR=$CortexM_PACK.tar.bz2 CortexM_URL=https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-rm/$ARMTOOL_VER/ CortexM_NAME=gcc-cortexM-$ARMTOOL_VER # Crosstool for Cortex-M download from ARM Developer if [ -d /opt/$CortexM_NAME ] ; then pr_info "Cortex-M crosstool /opt/$CortexM_NAME installed already, skip it" else if [ ! -s $CortexM_TAR ] ; then pr_info "start download cross compiler from ARM Developer for Cortex-M core" wget $CortexM_URL/$CortexM_TAR fi pr_info "start decompress cross compiler for Cortex-M core" tar -xjf $CortexM_TAR -C /opt mv /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-$ARMTOOL_VER /opt/$CortexM_NAME rm -f $CortexM_TAR /opt/$CortexM_NAME/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -v pr_info "cross compiler for Cortex-M installed to \"/opt/$CortexM_NAME\" successfully" fi # Crosstool for Cortex-A download from ARM Developer CortexA_PACK=gcc-arm-$ARMTOOL_VER-`uname -p`-aarch64-none-linux-gnu CortexA_TAR=$CortexA_PACK.tar.xz CortexA_URL=https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-a/$ARMTOOL_VER/binrel/ CortexA_NAME=gcc-aarch64-$ARMTOOL_VER if [ -d /opt/$CortexA_NAME ] ; then pr_info "Cortex-A crosstool /opt/$CortexA_NAME installed already, skip it" else if [ ! -s $CortexA_TAR ] ; then pr_info "start download cross compiler from ARM Developer for Cortex-A core" wget $CortexA_URL/$CortexA_TAR fi pr_info "start decompress cross compiler for Cortex-A core" tar -xJf $CortexA_TAR -C /opt mv /opt/$CortexA_PACK /opt/$CortexA_NAME rm -f $CortexA_TAR /opt/$CortexA_NAME/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc -v pr_info "cross compiler for Cortex-A installed to \"/opt/$CortexA_NAME\" successfully" fi } echo "" set -e install_systools install_devtools install_crosstool